Early Release Wednesday Program Information

INTRODUCTION: Introducing the After-School Adventures program on the Early Release Wednesdays! This program is for elementary school participants in Grades K-5. This structured & unstructured time will encourage participants to explore new interests and improve their social and communication skills. Over the sessions we will learn and play new group games, tackle STEM challenges and explore different types of seasonal craft projects. Programs will be run by enrichment vendors and Parks and Recreation staff. 

Session 1: September 4 - September 25
Session 2: October 2 - October 23
Session 3: October 30 - November 20

Dates for Winter/Spring sessions will be released with the Winter/Spring brochure in December. Registration will also take place in December. 

Nayaug School: 1:25 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Naubuc School: 1:05 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Hopewell School: 1:25 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Hebron Ave School: 1:25 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Buttonball School: 1:05 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


 School  Session 1  Session 2 Session 3 
 Nayaug Elementary School  After-School Adventures  After-School Adventures After-School Adventures 
 Naubuc Elementary School  Art-Ventures  Mad Science  Skyhawks
 Hebron Ave Elementary School  After-School Adventures  After-School Adventures  After-School Adventures
 Hopewell Elementary School   After-School Adventures  After-School Adventures  After-School Adventures
 Buttonball Elementary School  After-School Adventures After-School Adventures  After-School Adventures 

GIDEON-WELLES 5TH GRADERS: If your child is in 5th grade and is at Gideon-Welles, they will be bussed from Gideon-Welles to Hopewell. When signing up, please be sure to register under the Hopewell program.

INCLEMENT WEATHER AND CANCELLATIONS: There may be times where the program will be cancelled due to the weather. Cancellations due to weather will be based on the decision of the schools as follows: 

  • If schools are closed for the day, the program will automatically be cancelled. Refunds will be given for any days missed. 
  • If schools cancel all after school activities, the program will automatically be cancelled. Refunds will be given for any days missed. 
  • In the event of a delayed opening, the program will be held as scheduled unless otherwise noted.
  • Parks and Recreation also has the right to cancel based on weather dependent on the forecast.

PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF: Drop-off will be coordinated with teachers and staff at the elementary schools. Each elementary school will receive copies of the program rosters. With this, the main office will contact the teachers of the participants in the programs, and the students will be directed to the appropriate location. Pick-up will be promptly at 4:00 p.m.

ATTENDANCE: If you are aware your child will not be attending the Early Release Wednesday program, please contact the main office of the school and send in a note with your child to give to their teacher. If you need to reach someone while the program is in session, please contact the main office of the elementary school. 

WHAT YOUR CHILD NEEDS: Very little is needed for Early Release Wednesday programs! Please make sure participants have water, one or two snacks and comfortable attire dependent on weather! Please note that the After-School Adventures program will be outdoors for portions of the afternoon, weather dependent. 

LATE FEES: A late fee will be charged to the Parent/Guardians picking up their child after the set pickup time for the program. A 10-minute grace period will be given and then a fee of $15 will be charged after the 10-minute grace period. Another $15 charge will occur after every 15 minutes late that a child is not picked up. This fee may be paid in cash to the staff members waiting with your child or you may choose to be billed in MyRec.

REFUNDS: To avoid classes being cancelled at the last minute due to insufficient enrollment and in order to accommodate waiting lists in a timely fashion, refund requests must be made no later than five (5) business days before the program begins. Refund requests will not be considered after this time unless accompanied by a doctor's note. 

Session 1 Deadline: Wednesday, August 28
Session 2 Deadline: Thursday, September 26
Session 3 Deadline: Thursday, October 24

All refunds must be requested using our online form, which can be found by clicking HERE