Event List

Lenny and Joe's Fish Tale Trip

Lenny and Joe's Fish Tale Trip

Date: Tuesday, August 8th

Time (UPDATED ON 8/3)Leave RCC - 11:15am. Lunch is at 12:15pm. Approximate return at 2:30pm

Cost:  Resident:$7 Non Resident: $9

Let's go to one of our most popular restaurant destinations! Lenny & Joe's aims to provide the freshest seafood available, give generous portions, provide prompt friendly service and to keep prices reasonable. They've also won several awards for their food and service!

How to register:

  1. Online through Myrec at https://glastonburyct.myrec.com
  2. Phone- 860-652-7638
  3. Mail to 300 Welles St, Glastonbury, CT 06033
  4. In person at 300 Welles St. Glastonbury, CT 06033
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