Event List

The River Restaurant Trip

Program Update!

As of 3/29, this trip is full and no longer accepting reservations. We apologize for any inconvenience.



The River Restaurant Trip

Date: Tuesday, April 4th

Time: Leave RCC-11:45 am, Lunch 12:00pm, Approximate return 2:00pm

Location: Riverfront Community Center

300 Welles St

Glastonbury, CT 06033

Cost: Resident-$7  Non Resident: $9

Enjoy this waterfront restaurant in Wethersfield with spectacular views of the river, the highest quality steaks, seafood and delicious Italian/Mediterranean inspired cuisine! 

We strongly recommend you bring cash to restaurants due to most restaurants do not always offer separate checks for each table of 4. 


How to register:

Update: 3/29 - this event is NO longer accepting reservations. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  1. Online through Myrec at https://glastonburyct.myrec.com
  2. Phone- 860-652-7638
  3. Mail to 300 Welles St, Glastonbury, CT 06033
  4. In person at 300 Welles St. Glastonbury, CT 06033
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