Living Legacy Program

Important Program Update! (updated 5/10/2022)

Due to an overwhelmingly positive response from community members, the Town is currently at capacity with the Legacy Program and is not able to accept any new/additional contributions at this time. This temporary hold will allow Town staff the ability to process and accommodate all donations/requests made to date.  

We will continue to update this page with any applicable updates, therefore please check back over the coming months. In the interim, we welcome and encourage to you visit our Donation page at, which summarizes other donation opportunities, volunteer programs, and community initiatives throughout the Town organization. 

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your consideration and generosity.









The Glastonbury Parks & Recreation Department has established a Living Legacy Program to provide residents with an opportunity to pay tribute to loved ones and contribute to the Glastonbury community in a meaningful way. Interested donors can donate a park bench or have a tree planted in a special location throughout town to commemorate a special event, recognize or memorialize a group or individual, establish a family tradition of giving, or simply add a new amenity or bit of beauty to the Glastonbury landscape.  Whether you choose a tree or bench donation, your contribution will benefit community members for generations to come. 

Dog Park Fence Plaque Donations ($250)

Celebrate the bond between you and your pet with a plaque on a section of fencing at the Glastonbury Dog Park. Plaques measure 10.5” W x 51/4“ H and are made of heavy grade aluminum. Limited to approximately 5 lines and 120 characters.

Tree Donations ($550)*

Select from an Ornamental, Shade, or Evergreen tree, which can be planted in a number of community locations including parks, schools, and along town streets.  Your donation includes your tree of choice, a plaque with your sentiments and wooden mount, tree planting, and its continued care and maintenance.  Plaque sizes vary and are limited to approximately 5 lines and 120 characters. All Living Legacy trees will be given a 2-year guarantee and will become Town of Glastonbury property upon planting.  In the event that the tree should fail to survive in these two years, the Town will provide one replacement tree at or near the original planting site.

Bench Donations ($1,000 - $5,000)*

Glastonbury parks are a great place for recreation, contemplation, or gatherings with friends and family and you can take pride in knowing your donation contributed another amenity to the community. Choose from the Town’s menu of bench options: “The Meadow” (Bench made from Recycled Plastic), “The Greenway” (Steel and Cast Iron Park Bench) or “The Social Butterfly” (Standard Picnic Table).

Your donation includes your bench/picnic table selection, shipping costs, installation, plaque with your sentiments, and upkeep (repairs and parts replacement) throughout the life expectancy of the item (approximately 10 to 20 years). After that point, you may choose to dedicate a replacement bench or, should you decline at that time, your plaque will be returned to you and the bench site will be offered to the public for dedication or removed for our “Leave a Legacy” commemorative park furnishings inventory.

*Tree donations are $550 and bench donations range from $1,000 to $5,000 depending on the type selected. All prices are subject to change based on manufacturing pricing, shipping costs, and plaque preference. A Parks & Recreation representative will discuss the costs with you to determine the placement and type of tree/bench that aligns with your desired donation.

How to Participate

Complete the Living Legacy registration form below. (If you would prefer to complete a paper form, please click here to view the form and drop it off or mail it to the Glastonbury Parks & Recreation Department.) After submitting your form, a Parks & Recreation representative will contact you to confirm your donation, finalize a placement location, and discuss additional details such as installation, life expectancy, plaque requirements, and how to mail your contribution. 



As noted above - the Town is NOT currently accepting donations to this program. In lieu of completing the form below, please visit our Donations page for alternative opportunities to support community initiatives. Thank you for your understanding and generosity.

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