Glastonbury, CT
Home MenuLunch Service
Lunch at the Senior Center is offered Monday through Friday, from 11:45 am - 12:15 pm.
Reservations are required for all meals!
Please sign up on MyRec, in the office, in-person in the lunchroom, OR call 860-652-7638
one day in advance by 11am!
Payable upon entry (exact change required).
$4.00 Resident
$6.00 Non-Resident
Take Out Lunches: $5 Resident $7 Non-Resident
Special Lunches: $7 Resident $9 Non-Resident
Dessert is included with your meal!
Menus are also available at the Riverfront Community Center and Glastonbury Senior Center Facebook page. You may also call (860) 652-7638 the day of your visit for the menu.
Public Health Policy: Lunch Service
On the day of lunch, if you answer 'yes' to any of the following questions, please stay home for the safety of all concerned:
- In the last 24 hours, have you exhibited any of the following symptoms that are not attributed to another known illness:
- Temperature of greater than 100.4º F
- coughing
- shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
- chills, repeated shaking with chills
- muscle ache
- headache
- sore throat
- new loss of taste or smell
- diarrhea
- Have you come into contact with anyone who has, or is suspected to have had, the Covid-19 virus?
Thank you for your cooperation!!