Glastonbury, CT
Home MenuStorm Drains
Reporting Problems
The Town is responsible for maintaining the system of storm drains and culverts that serve the Town's streets and other Town properties. Problems with the Town storm drainage system should be reported to the Engineering Division at (860) 652-7735 or the Highway Division at (860) 652-7749.
If the problem is on a State Road (including Manchester Road, and portions of Hebron Avenue and Main Street), the problem should be reported to the State Department of Transportation District 1 Maintenance Division located on Oak Street at (860) 633-1159.
Connection of Private Drains to the Town System
The Town Engineer will generally allow for connection of private drains to the Town storm drainage system provided that the connection is made at a catch basin or manhole structure. Property owners are required to sign a waiver for connection of private drains in order to release the Town from liability resulting from any backups of the Town storm drainage system, which is available under the Forms and Documents section of the web site. Drain installers must also apply for a right-of-way permit from the Engineering Division before working within the Town right-of-way.