Irrigation Systems

Lawn irrigation / sprinkler systems to be installed within the Town right-of-way require a right-of-way permit, and the installer shall present a “Private Irrigation System Permission and Release of Claim” waiver form signed by the property owner at the time filing for the permit.  

To obtain a right-of-way permit, Contractors must also demonstrate that a plumbing permit has been obtained from the Town Building Department for installation of an appropriate backflow prevention device.

In general, sprinkler heads should be installed a minimum of 12-inches behind the curb or 36-inches behind the edge of pavement on uncurbed streets in order to minimize the possibility of damage from snow plowing operations.  The waiver form releases the Town from liability for damage to sprinker systems due to Town maintenance operations. The waiver form is included in the Forms and Documents section of the Engineering Division web page.



Residents who install an irrigation system and are connected to the Town sewer system are urged to consider the installation of a deduction meter to track the amount of water that has been used for the purposes of lawn irrigation. Since this water does not enter the Town sewer system, the reading from this meter can be used to reduce your annual sewer use bill. Installation costs for the meter are usually quickly recovered. For additional information please refer to the Special Metered Accounts page on the Water Pollution Control Division webpage or contact the Sanitation Department at (860) 652-7772.